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NEW: NOPA Feedstock Study

The U.S. oilseed industry is already exceeding current U.S. Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs), a new study suggests the industry can further expand U.S. capacity by an additional 1.4 Billion gallons by 2030, demonstrating that RVOs can & should be higher.

Feedstock Study

Founded in 1930, NOPA is the national trade organization located in Washington, DC representing the U.S. soybean, canola, flaxseed, safflower seed, and sunflower seed crushing industries. Our 17 members operate over 70 U.S. soybean and softseed solvent extraction plants across 21 states. NOPA members produce meal and oil used in human food, animal feed, fuel and for industrial applications.

$9.8 Billion

Annual Economic Impact


of All U.S. Soybeans

94 years

of Advocacy

2 Billion

Soybean Bushels
Crushed Annually

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