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Feedstock Study

NOPA home page header imageA review of the supply and availability of biofuel feedstocks, commissioned by NOPA and conducted by S&P GlobalCommodity Insights, shows that U.S. oilseed production already exceeds existing federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) renewable volume obligations (RVOs).


The feedstock study evaluated the domestic and global supply and availability of feedstocks relative to the U.S. RFS RVO’s and found that:

  • In 2023 alone, domestic and imported feedstocks supported the production of 4.3 billion gallons of renewable diesel and biodiesel also known as biomass-based diesel (BBD), surpassing the yearly RVO targets for 2023, 2024 and 2025.
  • Looking forward, existing U.S. feedstocks can support domestic production of an additional 1.4 billion gallons by 2030 in part due to investments in NOPA crush capacity. While Imported feedstocks can further support an additional 1 billion gallons by 2030.
  • Domestic feedstocks combined with additional imported feedstocks can support 6.7 billion gallons total by 2030.

The U.S. oilseed industry is ready and able to meet higher RVOs for 2026 and beyond in part thanks to a 30% increase in U.S. oilseed crush capacity totaling $6 billion in U.S. investment.

The study confirms that with the combination of current production levels, planned expansions to processing capabilities, the U.S. oilseed sector is more than capable of meeting and exceeding demand for food, feed and fuel well into the next decade.