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NOPA Monthly Crush Report

NOPA Crush Report

The NOPA Crush Report contains data from 17 member companies that account for over 95% of the US soybean crush.

Refinitiv is the sole distributor of the National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA) monthly Crush Report. The report includes information on:

  • Soybean crush and oils stocks for the current month, previous month, and comparable month a year ago for six regions, including: (1) Illinois; (2) Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan; (3) Southeast U.S.; (4) Southwest U.S.; (5) Iowa; and (6) Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana
  • Total soybean crush and oil stocks for the current month, previous month, and comparable month a year ago
  • Soybean meal: tons produced, yield, and exports for the current month, previous month and comparable month a year ago
  • Soybean oil pounds produced and yield for the current month, previous month, and comparable month a year ago.


You must subscribe 24 hours prior to the publishing date and time (below) in order to receive that month’s report.

A 12-month subscription to the NOPA Crush Report is US $1,200.

For 2024, the report will be published at 12:00 noon (EST) on the dates listed here.